How are you my friends? All my Manhatteners are done with school for this semester. I congratulate all that have graduated! And I wish the best of luck to those who are still competing! My weeks here are marked by “Bandhs” (strikes). Not a day goes by without a strike somewhere in Nepal, and there is at least one nationwide strike every 4 days. The deadline for the constitution is drawing closer and everyone seems to be getting nervous. To give you an idea of just how inconvenient the strikes are:
When a strike is called, no vehicle, no truck, no bus, no motorcycle is allowed to move. Sometimes they make exceptions for the UN or ambulances, but not always. People stay inside; some close their shops in fear of violence. Usually the schools are closed as well as other government services.
Kathmandu Valley without the smog. One can see pretty far! |
The last nationwide strike was called for the very same day that the final examination of the eleventh graders took place. The examination centers (different from schools) remained open, but no busses drove. So the children had to walk, sometimes for hours, if they did not want to miss their exam. Another example: there was a strike yesterday and until last night, the news also confirmed that there will be one today (Monday): However, when we woke up this morning, the strike had been withdrawn; instead another one was announced for tomorrow (Tuesday). The children were shocked. A midterm test was scheduled for Monday but they were sure it was not going to take place… now let’s see how they will do without studying… :)
For me the strikes are also annoying. You never know what is going to happen. I had planned to go shopping for the last two weekends, but I could not. For tomorrow a field trip to Makwanpur was planned. However, I guess it will not take place, at least not tomorrow. But who knows when the next strike free day will be…Yet, because I had expected a strike for Sunday and Monday, I had planned some activities for the girls: (and now I will just move my Monday activities to Tuesday:) )
Saturday morning we all went to church (6.30 AM), but I returned alone. The children always have church class afterwards and the sisters stay to take their breakfast. So I had the kitchen to myself. And because the sisters had recently informed me that they do indeed own a small oven, I BAKED something J I love baking and it made me happy. I made over 50 “Americans” (that’s what they are called in German; small round dough plates, covered with chocolate and some candy). It took me more than 3 hours because I was only able to do batches of 9 pieces, and each batch took 20 minutes to bake.
The small oven (the door did not lock :)) |
I am quite proud of the result. They did not look like the ones at home but for the conditions (no scale, different ingredient, old oven, no mixer, etc) I think they look lovely :)
White Chocolate and small candies on top :) |
The children loved them, although skeptical at first. Some of them ate the “American” in 30 seconds others took 5 minutes to enjoy it. I gave them the cakes and then I showed them Alice in Wonderland on my Laptop. They were so happy, it almost made me cry. Afterwards I took some rest (I am having some weird stomach pain these days). In the evening, I went down to play some games with them in the nice evening sun outside.
Yummy!!! (or Mito in Nepali) |
As mentioned, Sunday was strike, which meant the children did not have to go to school. So I asked the sisters for permission to take the children on a hike. The sisters said I could take them, but when I asked whether they wanted to join me they said no. Later however, I found out that the sisters were angry with the girls! And when I asked for the reason the girls said, that the sisters had told them: “You did not invite us to come with you, so we will not go with you.” I was confused because I HAD invited them, just the girls had not personally asked them. But whatever… sometimes they can be very strange…So we started our hike alone: I and 27 children between 3.5 years and 16 years.
Big Fat Golden Buddha :) |
It was only 11.30AM and so I showed them another movie: A collection of Tom and Jerry stories. They loved it and they were laughing out loudly every time Jerry outsmarted Tom once again. Afterwards, I had to take rest once again, my stomach was hurting and I had a huge headache because I had not slept the previous night because of the stomach issues.
In the evening, we played some more games and I read a good-night story for the little ones.
For Monday, or now for Tuesday, I am planning to do drawings with them (I have printed several Mickey Mouse motives from the Internet). We will play outside again (if there is no rain), and I will also show them Disney’s “The Lady and the Tramp.” I am not a fan of too many movies, but I think that the English in those children movies can help them improve their listening comprehension.
All in all I think those were/ will be some great days. I will miss the children a lot, and I am sure they will also miss me (or at least my entertainment). Because the Sisters do not really do much with them (which is somewhat understandable, I can also not do program every day for them.)
Okay so that’s it for today. Tomorrow there will be Bandh, and Wednesday I might make up my Makwanpur Visit. So if you hope to catch me on Skype, it will probably be Thursday or even later than that :)
I miss you so much and I am happy that there are only three weeks left!
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